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Gumasta License
Gumasta License is the Registration License which is very important required for doing any kind of business in all over the Maharashtra.
Gumasta License is covered under the Maharashtra Shop & Establishment Act 1948. When any one person wants to start a business in Maharashtra state then It requires a very important license that is called Gumasta License. Basically in India when you start any type of the business with physical shop then its required the shop act license from your local municipal party in each state. so these shop act licenses are called “Gumasta license” in Maharashtra state.
Getting Gumasta license ensures the growth of your business and helps you to jump of the hurdles that may come in your path. Furthermore, it is also important for opening the current account or obtaining any loan for your business because without the license you will unable to get any loan and even GST registration will also not possible.
Registration of Shops and Establishment is Mandatory under Maharashtra Shops and Establishment Act. This Act enables the registration and obtaining the certificate from municipal Corporation for your newly set up shop or Business. Gumasta license is basically a legal obligation governed by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai under the Maharashtra Shops and Establishment act. It gives you a certified authority to do your business through shop or business place. This license is mandatory for all either you’re a small trading business or a service provider.